Grey's Anatomy 11x02 - Casting Sides
Episode 11x01
Filming dates: August 5 -16
Kelly (40s, smart and sharp) – she’s in a hospital meeting room with Joseph and Susie (must really be Callie & Arizona). Kelly says Joseph and Susie have been through a lot in such a short time. Joseph says it has only made them stronger. Everyone smiles and Joseph gives Susie’s hand a squeeze. Kelly says that her agency uses a multi-step process and she takes it that Joseph and Susie have been thinking of adopting again for a while. Joseph tells her that they have been thinking of expanding their family and then yesterday it all just clicked. Kelly asks “Yesterday?” and tries to mask her concern because this is a red flag.
Joseph and Susie are meeting with Kelly again. Joseph asks what the next step is for them. Kelly closes her folder and stops taking notes. Kelly says they seem really nice. They also seem like they've been through a lot and are still going through it which is why she can’t accept their application at this time. She would like Joseph and Susie to meet with a couples’ counselor and they’ll see what the counselor recommends before proceeding further. Joseph asks her if she’s turning them down. Kelly says she can give them a list with of several excellent names. Joseph again asks if she’s turning them down and it’s clear that she is.
Lily, Woman – John Doe is a shipwreck victim and he’s watching something outside his room. A look of relief washes over him as a Woman and Lily (6) approach the door. Lily looks at her father who she hasn't seen in weeks. They rush to him sweeping him in hugs and kisses. Woman says they found them the next day but they never found him. They thought he was gone. And it’s a happy family reunion.
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