NCIS - Season 10 - Michael Weatherly Interview

At what point did you find out that this season was going to be a turning point season for your character's relationship with Ziva?

Michael Weatherly:
I don't know if it is necessarily. I think that their relationship is just a big circle. It's constantly turning. They are locked in a binary death spiral. This year proves to be particularly interesting, but when they met, who knew — well, the audience did, but Tony didn't know — that she killed her own brother, who had killed Tony's previous partner, and that created the space in the squadron for Ziva to arrive. Had Ziva's brother not killed Kate, there would be no Ziva. It's all very tricky. And then Tony did kill her boyfriend once.

Yes, I remember that.

MW: (laughs)
You know what I'm saying? Look at these guys! It's like watching a scorpion and a black widow try and figure each other out. Or a praying mantis and a black widow? One of them eats your head after it mates with you, right?

But yeah, these guys, they've got a rich history of conflict and physical attraction and physical repulsion. There's a lot of bickering, they swerve wildly into sibling country, and then careen over the cliff into possible kissing cousins, and suddenly they find themselves — I mean, they're holding hands at the end of "Berlin." It's fantastic how these writers just fuck with everybody. And to think that [NCIS writer-producer] Gary Glasberg has a background writing Rugrats.

We just shot a scene this season where the writer had his hands above the air in a silent cheer, and his face looked like the Edvard Munch painting. He was so fucking excited that Tiva was full-on Tiva. I think people who watch the show who enjoy their Mark Harmon and liberal doses of the other characters might find it somewhat irritating that these two are cutting a rug, so to speak, in "Berlin." Sharing some longing looks, bedroom-eyes. I think that's probably disconcerting to some fans of the show, and other fans probably think it's long overdue, and yet others are probably thinking it spells the absolute doom, the moonlighting death.

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